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悦美日记隆胸 假体隆胸恢复过程日记

本文章由注册用户 王颜汐 上传提供

发布:2024-04-05 评论 纠错/删除




Day 1: Surgery Day

Today was the day of my breast augmentation surgery. I was a bit nervous but excited at the same time. The surgery went well and I am now in the recovery room. I feel a bit groggy from the anesthesia but overall, I'm doing okay.

Day 2: Post-operative Day 1

I woke up feeling sore and uncomfortable. I have been advised to take it easy and avoid any strenuous activities. I have to wear a surgical bra to provide support and minimize swelling. The pain is manageable with the prescribed pain medication.

Day 3: Post-operative Day 2

The swelling has started to go down a bit and the pain is subsiding. I still have some discomfort when moving around, but it's not as intense as it was yesterday. I have been advised to avoid lifting heavy objects and any vigorous exercise for the next few weeks.

Day 7: Post-operative Day 6

It has been a week since my surgery and I am feeling much better. The initial soreness and discomfort have significantly decreased. The swelling has reduced, and I am starting to see the shape of my new breasts. I still need to wear the surgical bra for a few more weeks to ensure proper healing.

Day 14: Post-operative Day 13

Two weeks have passed, and I am amazed at how much progress I have made. The pain and discomfort are almost gone, and I feel more like myself again. I have been able to resume light activities and have started gentle stretching exercises to improve flexibility.

Day 30: Post-operative Day 29

It has been a month since my surgery, and I am thrilled with the results. My breasts look natural and proportionate to my body. The scars are starting to fade, and with proper care, they will continue to improve over time. I am now able to resume all normal activities and exercise.

Overall, my breast augmentation recovery process has been relatively smooth. It's important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by my surgeon and have regular follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing. I am extremely happy with my decision to undergo this procedure, and I feel more confident in my own body.




- 做了详细的咨询和检查,确定适合做假体隆胸手术。

- 医生解答了我的问题,告诉我手术过程和可能的风险。

- 经过与医生共同选择,确认了合适的假体尺寸和形状。


- 提前到达手术室,与医生和护士进行最后的确认和沟通。

- 根据医生的建议,选择了全身麻醉。

- 手术开始,医生做了切口并将假体放入胸部。

- 手术过程较短,大约几个小时后,手术结束。


- 醒来后,感觉胸部有些胀痛,但疼痛并不严重。

- 医生给了我一些建议,比如如何正确使用疼痛药物和休息。

- 家人陪同,送我回家休息。

- 卧床休息一天,不要过度活动。


- 胸部的疼痛感逐渐减轻,但仍然需要依靠疼痛药物控制。

- 遵循医生的要求,开始进行术后护理,比如包扎更换等。

- 注意不要用力擦洗伤口,以免感染。

- 饮食上要选择健康的食物,避免刺激性的食物和饮料。


- 去医院进行术后复查,医生检查了切口和假体的情况。

- 医生说术后效果良好,恢复正常的活动和日常生活。

- 继续遵循医生的建议进行护理。


- 做好术后复查和康复指导。

- 逐渐增加日常活动,但仍需避免高强度运动。

- 定期按时复查,确保术后效果和健康状况良好。

- 保持健康的生活习惯和饮食,避免吸烟和酗酒。

- 使用适合的内衣来保护假体,避免压力和碰撞。





