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成都隆胸日记 500cc假体隆胸日记

本文章由注册用户 马鹿瑶 上传提供

发布:2024-07-16 评论 纠错/删除




1. 手术前的决定和准备:日记记录了该人物为什么决定进行隆胸手术,可能包括她对自身外貌的不满或对胸部形态的追求等原因。还包括她对手术的了解和选择成都作为手术地点的考虑等内容。

2. 手术过程的详细描述:日记记录了手术当天的情况,包括手术前的等待和准备、麻醉过程、手术具体操作的描述等。这部分内容可能会包括对手术的感受、疼痛程度以及与医生、护士的互动等。

3. 手术后的恢复过程:日记记录了手术后的恢复过程,包括疼痛、肿胀、瘀斑等不适的程度和持续时间,以及吃药、换药、注意事项等。这部分内容可能还包括与医生的沟通、回访和检查等情况。

4. 恢复期的生活点滴:日记记录了恢复期的生活细节,包括饮食、作息、穿着等方面的调整和注意事项。可能还包括该人物的心情变化、朋友、家人的支持和关心等。



Day 1: Today I had my 500cc breast implant surgery. I was a little nervous before the procedure, but the staff at the clinic were very reassuring. The surgery itself went smoothly, and I woke up feeling a bit groggy from the anesthesia. I was given pain medication to help manage any discomfort. Overall, the day has been quite uneventful as I've been resting and taking it easy.

Day 2: It's the second day post-surgery, and I'm feeling a little sore and tight in the chest area. The pain medication is helping to alleviate some of the discomfort, but I'm still taking it easy and avoiding any strenuous activities. I've been advised to wear a compression garment and avoid lifting heavy objects. The swelling hasn't fully kicked in yet, so I'm curious to see how my new breasts will look once the healing process is complete.

Day 3: The swelling has started to set in, and my breasts are feeling quite firm and high on the chest. The pain has reduced significantly, and I'm able to move around with minimal discomfort. I'm still being cautious and following the post-operative instructions to ensure proper healing. I've been wearing the compression garment religiously to aid in the healing process.

Day 7: It's been a week since the surgery, and I can see some improvements in the shape and appearance of my breasts. The swelling has gone down, and they look more natural now. I'm finally feeling comfortable enough to start wearing regular bras, although they still feel a bit tight. There is still some tenderness, but overall, I'm satisfied with the results so far.

Day 14: Two weeks have passed, and my breasts are starting to feel more like my own. The tightness has eased, and they are settling into a more natural position. I've been following the massage protocol recommended by my surgeon to help soften the breast tissue and ensure proper implant placement. I'm thrilled with how they're looking and feeling, and I'm excited to see how they continue to evolve.

Day 30: A month has gone by since my breast augmentation, and I couldn't be happier with the results. The implants have settled nicely, and my breasts have a fuller shape. The tenderness and discomfort are mostly gone, and I feel more confident in my appearance. I've started exercising again but have been mindful not to engage in activities that strain the chest muscles excessively.

Overall, my breast augmentation journey has been a positive experience. The initial recovery period was challenging, but it was worth it for the improved shape and size of my breasts. I'm grateful to my surgeon for their skill and expertise in helping me achieve the look I desired.








1. 成都军区总医院美胸中心:作为一家综合性医院,军区总医院拥有专业的整形外科团队,提供隆胸手术等相关整形手术。

2. 四川省人民医院整形美容科:作为四川省最大的综合性医院之一,该医院的整形美容科有丰富的隆胸手术经验,可以提供个性化的整形方案。

3. 四川华美医院:该医院是一家专注于整形美容的私立医院,拥有多名具备丰富经验的整形医生,提供高质量的整形手术服务。

4. 四川大学华西医院整形外科:作为综合性医院,华西医院整形外科拥有一支专业团队,提供全面的整形手术服务,包括隆胸手术。





