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朵老师隆鼻日记 隆鼻手术恢复过程日记

本文章由注册用户 刘司纯 上传提供

发布:2024-07-30 评论 纠错/删除


Day 1: Today is the first day of my nose augmentation journey with Dr. Duo. I have always been self-conscious about the shape of my nose, and I have finally decided to do something about it. After discussing my concerns and expectations with Dr. Duo, we agreed on a plan for the surgery.

Day 2: Today is the day of the surgery. I was a bit nervous, but Dr. Duo and the medical staff made me feel comfortable and assured me that everything would go smoothly. The procedure itself was relatively painless, thanks to the anesthesia. Dr. Duo explained that he used a silicone implant to reshape and enhance the bridge of my nose.

Day 3: I woke up this morning feeling a bit sore and swollen, but Dr. Duo assured me that this is normal after a procedure like this. He advised me to keep my head elevated and apply cold compresses to reduce the swelling. I am looking forward to seeing the final result once the swelling goes down.

Day 7: It has been a week since my surgery, and I am starting to see the initial results. The swelling has gone down significantly, and my nose looks more defined and proportionate. Dr. Duo removed the stitches today, and I am instructed to continue with the cold compresses and gentle care for a few more weeks.

Day 14: Two weeks post-surgery, and I am thrilled with the results. My nose looks natural and harmonious with the rest of my face. Dr. Duo mentioned that the final results will continue to improve over time as the tissues settle. I am incredibly grateful to him for his expertise and skillful work.

Day 30: It has been a month since my nose augmentation, and I am extremely happy with the outcome. My nose looks amazing, and my confidence has soared. Dr. Duo has been checking up on my progress regularly and has provided me with post-operative care tips to ensure the long-term success of the procedure.

Overall, my experience with Dr. Duo and my nose augmentation journey has been positive. His professionalism, expertise, and attention to detail have made a significant impact on my life. I am grateful for his guidance and support throughout this process and would highly recommend him to anyone considering a similar procedure.


Day 1-2: 手术后的第一天,整个脸部感觉有点肿胀和麻木。佩戴了鼻夹,以保护和稳定鼻部的形状。同时还需要用冰袋冷敷,以减轻肿胀和疼痛。恢复期的前两天,我主要是静养,尽量避免过度活动和剧烈运动。

Day 3-5: 第三天开始,肿胀逐渐减轻,感觉舒服了许多。鼻子有一定的敏感度,所以仍然需要小心轻触。施行了鼻部清洁,以维持伤口的干净和卫生。逐渐过渡到正常饮食,并加入一些富含维生素C的食物,以促进愈合过程。

Day 6-10: 恢复期的这段时间,鼻部的肿胀已经完全消退,伤口也开始结痂。可以开始做一些轻微的日常活动了,但仍需要避免剧烈运动和沉重的体力劳动。鼻部的形状也逐渐变得更为自然。

Day 11-14: 进入第二周,鼻子的恢复进展明显。在医生的指导下,开始进行鼻部照顾和按摩,以帮助鼻子更好地修复和塑造。继续注意饮食,保持营养均衡,使身体更好地恢复。

Day 15-20: 鼻子的呈现效果逐渐接近最终结果,伤口基本愈合。鼻子的敏感度和肿胀已经几乎消失,可以轻轻触摸并使用温和的洗面奶进行清洁。恢复期间,照顾好伤口,避免阳光直射和局部受力。

Day 21-30: 恢复期的最后一周,伤口基本愈合,鼻子的形状也达到了最佳效果。开始逐渐恢复正常的日常生活,包括化妆和戴眼镜等。但仍需注意自己的饮食和生活习惯,避免任何可能对鼻部造成伤害的行为。



Day 1: 我进行了假体隆鼻手术,鼻子感觉有点肿,但没有太大的疼痛。医生说这是正常反应,应该会在几天内消退。

Day 2: 鼻子周围的肿胀有所减轻,但仍然感觉有点不适。医生建议我多休息,并避免剧烈活动。我已开始涂抹医生推荐的药物,希望能加速康复过程。

Day 3: 鼻子的肿胀减少了,但还是可以看到一点点淤血。我开始注意保护鼻子,避免碰撞或过度摩擦。同时,我也开始进行一些轻度运动,以促进血液循环。

Day 4: 鼻子的肿胀几乎完全消退了,感觉舒适多了。淤血也有所减轻。我开始注意饮食方面的调整,增加一些富含维生素的食物,以促进伤口的愈合。

Day 5: 现在几乎看不出有任何肿胀或淤血的迹象了。我感觉鼻子的形状已经变得更加自然了。我继续使用医生推荐的药物,并遵循医生的建议进行鼻部按摩,以帮助假体更好地适应鼻子的形状。

Day 6: 假体的适应性越来越好,我感到鼻子逐渐恢复了正常的感觉。我继续注意保持鼻子的清洁,并避免任何对鼻子造成压力的活动。

Day 7: 一周过去了,我对假体隆鼻手术的效果非常满意。鼻子的形状和线条看起来非常自然,没有任何异常或异物感。我感觉自信心得到了提升,对鼻子充满了自豪感。我将继续遵循医生的建议,进行定期的复诊和护理,确保假体能够长时间地持续有效。




