"假体隆胸250" refer to the size of the breast implant, specifically in terms of volume. It means that the implant fills up 250 milliliters (ml) of space in each breast. However, this measurement does not directly correspond to a specific bra cup size. Cup size is determined by the ratio between the band size (the measurement around the chest) and the difference between breast circumference and band size. Therefore, the exact cup size achieved with a 250ml implant can vary depending on individual body shape and proportions. It is recommended to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon for more accurate information regarding implant size and desired outcome.
隆胸手术通常会用到不同大小的假体来增大胸部。 300cc 是乳房假体的容量,表示假体的体积大小为300毫升。由于每个人身体的比例和胸部组织的差异,同样的假体容量在不同人身上可能会呈现不同的效果,因此无法确定具体的罩杯大小。最终的罩杯大小取决于手术前的胸部大小和形状,以及假体的选取。