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假体隆胸痛吗 恢复过程 假体隆胸恢复过程日记

本文章由注册用户 张伊洛 上传提供

发布:2024-01-24 评论 纠错/删除

1、假体隆胸痛吗 恢复过程






Day 1: I just had my breast augmentation surgery today. I am feeling a bit groggy from the anesthesia, but overall I am excited about my new breasts. The surgeon told me to take it easy for the next few days and avoid any heavy lifting.

Day 2: The pain is more noticeable today, but I expected that. I have been taking the pain medication prescribed by my surgeon and it helps to alleviate some of the discomfort. I am still quite swollen and have some bruising around the incision sites.

Day 3: The swelling has gone down a bit, but I am still in some pain. Moving around is difficult, so I have been mostly resting and taking it easy. I have been wearing a compression bra to help with the healing process.

Day 4: I had my first post-op appointment today. The surgeon checked the incisions and said everything looks good. I can now start using some scar cream to help with the healing process. I am feeling a bit more energetic today and can move around a bit easier.

Day 5: The pain is subsiding bit by bit each day. I am still avoiding any strenuous activities and focusing on taking care of my body. I have been eating a healthy diet and staying hydrated to aid in the healing process.

Day 6: I am starting to feel more like myself again. The swelling has gone down significantly and I am able to move around more freely. I have been massaging my breasts as instructed by my surgeon to ensure they settle into their proper position.

Day 7: It has been a week since my breast augmentation surgery. I am feeling much better and the pain is almost gone. The incisions are healing nicely and I am happy with the progress so far. I will continue to follow the post-op instructions given by my surgeon to ensure a smooth recovery process.

Note: The above is a fictional diary entry and should not be taken as personal medical advice. If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional for proper guidance and information.



1. 手术后的第一天通常需要在医院观察和休息。手术后会有些许肿胀和疼痛感,但医生会开给你相应的止痛药来控制疼痛。

2. 几天内,肿胀和疼痛会逐渐减轻,但你可能会感到乳房紧绷和胸部不适。

3. 手术后的第一个星期,需要尽量避免劳累和过度活动。严格按照医生的建议,避免抬重物、剧烈运动以及上下楼梯等。此时,要注意保持乳房区域的清洁和干燥,避免水淋浴和泡浴。

4. 约在手术后两周进行复诊,在复诊时医生会检查乳房的情况并移除胶布或缝线。

5. 术后几周内,你可能会感到乳房的皮肤敏感,可能需要避免直接接触日光,穿着舒适的内衣来支撑乳房。

6. 大约在手术后四到六周,你可以逐渐开始进行轻度运动和日常活动,但仍需要避免高强度的运动。

7. 术后的恢复时间因个人情况而异,每个人的恢复速度可能也不同。遵循医生的建议和指示非常重要,如果有任何不适或并发症,及时向医生咨询。











