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日本隆胸日记 500cc假体隆胸日记

本文章由注册用户 杨桉闻 上传提供

发布:2024-01-24 评论 纠错/删除







Day 1:

Today was the day of my breast augmentation surgery. I arrived at the clinic early in the morning and met with my surgeon. We discussed the size and shape of the implants, and I decided to go with 500cc silicone implants. The surgery went well, and although I was a bit nervous, the nurses and doctors were very reassuring and made me feel comfortable. After the surgery, I was taken to a recovery room where I rested for a few hours. The pain is manageable with the pain medication prescribed by my surgeon.

Day 2:

I woke up feeling sore and a bit groggy from the anesthesia, but overall, I'm feeling better than expected. I have been instructed to wear a surgical bra to provide support to my new breasts. I have been advised to avoid any physical activity or heavy lifting for the next few weeks. My surgeon also asked me to gently massage my breasts to help them settle into a natural position.

Day 5:

The pain has significantly decreased, and I am feeling more like myself again. The swelling has started to go down, and my breasts seem to be taking a more natural shape. I have been following all the instructions given by my surgeon, including wearing the surgical bra and massaging my breasts regularly. I am still being cautious and avoiding any strenuous activities.

Day 10:

I had my first follow-up appointment with my surgeon today. He checked the incisions and said that they are healing well. The bruising has almost completely disappeared, and the swelling has gone down considerably. My breasts are starting to feel softer and more natural. I was given the go-ahead to start slowly reintroducing light exercises into my routine, as long as it doesn't strain my chest muscles.

Day 20:

My breasts are looking and feeling great. The shape and size are exactly what I wanted. I've noticed that they are settling even more and feeling even softer. I have been gradually increasing my exercise routine, making sure not to overexert myself. I'm still wearing a supportive bra, especially when working out, to provide extra support.

Day 30:

It has been a month since my breast augmentation surgery, and I couldn't be happier with the results. My breasts look natural, and the scars are fading nicely. I am now able to resume all normal activities, including more intense exercise. I have regular check-ups with my surgeon to ensure everything continues to heal properly. I am thrilled with my decision to undergo this procedure, and I'm grateful for the support and guidance provided by my surgeon throughout the entire process.










