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mesher隆鼻 octree tetrahedron mesher

本文章由注册用户 张若峤 上传提供

发布:2024-01-24 评论 纠错/删除




1. 手术创伤小:Mesher隆鼻技术利用自体软骨,避免了使用异体或人工材料的需求,减少了手术创伤和术后反应。

2. 安全性高:自体软骨在身体内不易发生排异反应,因此植入自体软骨的隆鼻手术相对较安全。

3. 艺术性强:Mesher隆鼻技术注重鼻部的整体美感,可以个性化调整鼻梁的形状、高度和比例,实现更自然、更和谐的鼻部效果。


2、octree tetrahedron mesher

An octree tetrahedron mesher is a technique used in computer graphics and computational geometry to generate a three-dimensional mesh representation of a volume.

The term "octree" refers to a hierarchical spatial partitioning data structure commonly used for representing 3D space. It subdivides the volume into smaller and smaller cubes, where each cube is called an octant. However, in the context of tetrahedral meshing, each octant is further subdivided into tetrahedra instead of cubes.

The mesher uses the octree to divide the volume into smaller regions, and then generates a tetrahedral mesh inside each of these regions. Each tetrahedron is a three-dimensional shape with four triangular faces. The mesher ensures that the tetrahedra fit the boundaries of the volume and do not intersect each other.

The octree tetrahedron mesher is commonly used in various applications, such as scientific visualization, computer-aided design, and finite element analysis. It provides an efficient and accurate way to represent complex 3D shapes and volumes with tetrahedral meshes.

3、polyhedral mesher

A polyhedral mesher is a computational algorithm or software that is used for generating a mesh or a grid representation of a three-dimensional (3D) object or domain. It is particularly used in fields like computational fluid dynamics (CFD), finite element analysis (FEA), and computer graphics.

The term "polyhedral" refers to the fact that the generated mesh consists of polyhedra, which are geometric shapes with flat faces and straight edges. Common examples of polyhedra are cubes, tetrahedra, and prisms. These polyhedral elements are used to discretize the 3D space into a finite number of smaller sub-regions, which facilitates the numerical analysis of the object or domain.

A polyhedral mesher works by taking the geometry of the object or domain as input and generating a mesh based on certain criteria and constraints. The criteria may include desired element size, element quality, and boundary conforming, among others. The mesher algorithm typically iteratively refines the mesh, gradually improving its quality and conforming it to the geometric features of the object or domain.

Polyhedral meshers are known for their ability to handle complex geometries and generate meshes that are suitable for accurate numerical simulations. They are often used in high-fidelity simulations that require precise representation of the geometry and involve complex physical phenomena, such as fluid flow around complex shapes or stress analysis in mechanical components.

Overall, a polyhedral mesher is a fundamental tool in the field of computational modeling and simulation, helping researchers and engineers to efficiently and accurately analyze and understand the behavior of 3D objects and domains.

4、volume mesher什么意思

Volume mesher是一种用于生成3D数值模拟的网格的软件工具。它将3D几何体划分为小的体单元,并在这些体单元上进行离散化求解。这种网格生成器常用于流体力学、结构力学和电磁学等领域中的数值模拟和仿真。通过生成精确的网格,可以提高数值模拟的准确性和稳定性。




