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腰抽脂日记 腰腹抽脂手术过程

本文章由注册用户 郭谨川 上传提供

发布:2024-11-12 3 评论 纠错/删除


Day 1: Today is the first day of my waist liposuction journey. I have been struggling with stubborn fat around my waistline for years, and I am excited to finally do something about it. I had a consultation with my surgeon, and we discussed my goals and the procedure in detail. I feel confident in my decision and can't wait to see the results.

Day 2: The surgery went well yesterday, and I am now on the road to recovery. I have some discomfort and swelling around my waist, but it is to be expected. I have been following my surgeon's instructions regarding pain medication and dressing changes. I am staying positive and hoping for a speedy recovery.

Day 5: It has been a few days since my liposuction, and I am starting to notice a difference already. The swelling has gone down significantly, and I can see a more defined waistline. However, I am still wearing compression garments to aid the healing process. I have been eating a healthy diet and doing light exercises as recommended by my surgeon to maximize the results.

Day 10: I am now ten days post-op, and I am amazed at how quickly my body is healing. The bruising has almost completely faded, and I feel more comfortable in my clothes. I have started incorporating more rigorous exercises into my routine to further contour my waistline. My surgeon is happy with my progress, and I am excited to see the final outcome in the coming weeks.

Day 20: It has been three weeks since my waist liposuction, and I couldn't be happier with the results. My waist is much slimmer, and my clothes fit better than ever before. I have regained my confidence and love the way I look. I am grateful for going through with this procedure and can confidently say that it was worth it.

Day 30: Today marks one month since my liposuction, and I am extremely satisfied with the outcome. I have maintained a healthy diet and exercise routine to ensure long-lasting results. My waistline is even more defined, and I feel great both inside and out. This experience has taught me the importance of self-care and body positivity. I am grateful for the journey and excited for the future.



1. 麻醉:手术开始前,医生会给患者进行局部麻醉或全身麻醉,使其在手术过程中不会感到疼痛。

2. 切口:医生会在腹部和腰部的适当位置做出小切口。这些切口尽可能地隐藏在身体的自然皱褶中以减少术后疤痕的显露。

3. 注射液体:医生会注射一种含有麻醉和血管收缩药物的液体到脂肪组织中。这个液体帮助减少出血并使脂肪更容易被抽取。

4. 吸脂:医生会使用一根细管(吸管)通过切口将脂肪抽取出来。医生通常会使用一种称为负压吸引的装置来帮助抽取脂肪。

5. 填充修复:在抽取脂肪后,医生可能会在需要的区域进行填充修复。这可以通过移植脂肪或其他填充物来实现,以改善身体的轮廓和曲线。

6. 缝合:当整个手术完成后,医生会使用缝线将切口关闭。这些缝线可以自然吸收或需要在术后一段时间内拆线。

7. 术后护理:手术结束后,患者可能需要佩戴特殊的紧身衣或绷带来压迫和保护手术区域。医生还会给出一些术后护理的指导,包括饮食、活动和伤口护理等。







1. 切忌体力劳动和剧烈运动:手术后的一段时间内,应避免过度使用腹肌、腰肌和背肌等肌肉群。如果需要进行一些轻度的活动,建议先咨询医生并遵循其建议。

2. 穿着紧身衣物:手术后,医生通常会提供一个紧身的弹力衣,建议在术后穿上它,以促进伤口的愈合和减少肿胀。

3. 注意饮食:术后的恢复期间,要注意饮食健康,避免高热量、高脂肪和高糖分的食物。选择蔬菜水果和富含蛋白质的食物,有助于减少术后肿胀和恢复。

4. 定期复诊:术后恢复期间,要定期复诊,咨询医生的意见和建议,确保伤口愈合和恢复的顺利进行。

5. 留意并发症:在恢复期间,如果出现异常情况(如伤口发炎、出血、肿胀等),应立即联系医生,并按照医生的指示进行治疗。





