Sure, here's an example code for calculating BMI using PyCharm:
def calculate_bmi(weight, height):
bmi = weight / (height ** 2)
return bmi
weight = float(input("Enter your weight in kilograms: "))
height = float(input("Enter your height in meters: "))
bmi = calculate_bmi(weight, height)
print("Your BMI is:", round(bmi, 2))
You can simply copy and paste this code into PyCharm, and run it to calculate the BMI. The program prompts the user to enter their weight and height, and then calculates the BMI using the given inputs. Finally, it prints the calculated BMI.
Note: This code assumes that the user enters valid numeric values for weight and height. It does not include any error handling for invalid inputs.
# BMI计算函数
def calculate_bmi(weight, height):
bmi = weight / (height ** 2)
return bmi
# 获取用户输入
weight = float(input("请输入您的体重(kg):"))
height = float(input("请输入您的身高(m):"))
# 调用计算函数
bmi = calculate_bmi(weight, height)
# 输出结果
print("您的BMI指数为:", bmi)
1. 打开PyCharm,并创建一个新的Python项目。
2. 在项目中创建一个新的Python文件,并将上述代码复制粘贴到该文件中。
3. 单击PyCharm右上角的运行按钮(绿色三角形),或使用快捷键Shift + F10 来运行代码。
4. 在PyCharm的控制台中,按照提示依次输入体重和身高。
5. PyCharm将显示计算出的BMI指数。