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隆鼻日记40天 假体隆鼻恢复日记

本文章由注册用户 马俞安 上传提供

发布:2024-01-24 评论 纠错/删除


Day 1:


Day 5:


Day 10:


Day 20:


Day 30:


Day 40:



Day 1: Today is the day of my rhinoplasty surgery. I arrived at the clinic early in the morning and was prepped for the procedure. The doctor explained the process and discussed my expectations. After the surgery, I experienced some swelling and discomfort, but it was manageable with pain medication. I spent the rest of the day resting at home.

Day 2: The swelling has increased, and my nose feels tight. I'm following the doctor's advice and using cold compresses regularly to reduce the swelling. I'm taking it easy and avoiding any strenuous activities.

Day 3: The swelling has started to subside a bit, but my nose is still sensitive. I'm continuing to use cold compresses and taking pain medication as needed. It's hard to see the final result through the swelling, but I'm remaining patient.

Day 4-7: The swelling has significantly reduced, and I can finally see some changes in my nose shape. However, it still appears slightly swollen, and there is some bruising. I'm being extra careful with my daily routine, avoiding any activities that could potentially bump or damage my nose.

Day 8-14: The bruising is mostly gone, and the swelling continues to decrease. My nose is slowly taking on the desired shape, and I'm beginning to see the results I was hoping for. I'm starting to feel more confident and comfortable with my new look.

Day 15-30: The swelling has almost completely subsided, and my nose looks more defined now. I'm ecstatic with the final result of my rhinoplasty. It has enhanced my facial features and boosted my self-esteem. I'm no longer self-conscious about my nose, and I feel more confident in my appearance.

Month 2-6: As time goes on, my nose continues to settle into its new shape. There are no signs of complications or issues with the surgery. I'm enjoying the newfound confidence and am grateful for the successful outcome of the procedure.

Yearly check-ups: I've been attending regular check-ups with my surgeon to ensure the long-term success of my rhinoplasty. These appointments provide an opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions I may have. My nose looks great, and I'm happy with my decision to undergo the procedure.




